Ninon Larochelle

A native of the Beauce region of Québec, Ninon Larochelle has a Bachelor’s degree in literature. After publishing several short stories and a novel (Bouche cousue, 1992), Larochelle wrote the screenplay for a television drama on Télé-Québec and France 3 (Chez Régine, 52 minutes, 1993). She began her career in documentary film in 1994 as a screenwriter and then as a director for television. Ten years later, she launches a more personal body of work, dealing with themes concerning identity and the quest for meaning. The Legacy of the Oka Trappists is an early illustration of this approach to her work.   Filmography   Augustines, corps et âme (2010 / 64 min) The Legacy of the Oka Trappists (2008 / 52 min)