These frequently asked questions are about our online viewing platform, f3m.ca, for which we offer a monthly subscription.
For $5.00 per month, our subscribers have access to nearly 200 streaming movies, mostly available in French and English versions.
The works in our catalog are also available for rental, individually.
In this section, you will find the most frequently asked questions about the online viewing platform.
How to watch the films online?
In order to watch the films from www.f3m.ca/en, you just have to click on the links present on each movie page.
4 choices are available:
• Watch French version (subscription)
• Watch English version (subscription)
• Watch French version (rental)
• Watch English version (rental)
It is indeed possible to subscribe to our monthly ($5 CAD/month) or yearly ($60 CAD/year) subscription or to rent the films individually, the price will depend on the type of production.
Do I have to pay the annual fee to subscribe to the online viewing platform?
No, it is not mandatory to subscribe to an annual fee. You have the option of paying a monthly fee equivalent to $5 CAD per month or paying an amount equivalent to $60 CAD for a 12-month commitment.
When you sign up, be sure to choose the package that suits you best!
What is the difference between the www.f3m.ca website and the f3m.vhx.tv online viewing platform?
The f3m.ca website concentrates all information related to movies. By searching the website, it is possible to access the official pages of the films distributed by Les Films du 3 Mars.
The online viewing platform f3m.vhx.tv allows you to view our films on a pay-per-view basis or through a monthly subscription.
The two interfaces are therefore different, but complementary!
How to cancel my monthly or yearly subscription to the platform?
Login to you account on f3m.vhx.tv, click on the arrow in the upper right corner to show the list, select « Manage subscription » and then « Purchases », you can choose between pausing or cancelling you subscription.
Why are the amounts that appear on the online viewing platform displayed in US dollars (USD)?
The amounts that appear on the online viewing platform are indeed displayed in US dollars (USD). We are working with our hosting company to eventually allow the display of amounts in Canadian dollars (CAD).
In the meantime, we adjust the amounts almost daily according to the USD/CAD exchange rate, to ensure that you only pay the amount listed in Canadian dollars.
Some information appears only in English. Why is this?
We are currently working on this issue with our host. We are working to ensure that all the information that appears on our online viewing platform is displayed in both French and English. We are trying as much as possible to display the information in both languages.
I am a subscriber but I am still being asked to pay a fee to view content. Why do I have to pay?
First, make sure you are logged in by clicking on “Sign in” at the top right of the online viewing platform home page and entering your login information. Once this is done, be sure to search for your content via the search tabs (Browse and Search) rather than via the purchase tabs (Titles available for purchase and Buy from F3M.ca).
When I do a search, the results suggest VIDEO and COLLECTIONS. What is the difference between the two?
When you search for a film or a filmmaker, you come to a page that shows COLLECTIONS and VIDEOS.
The COLLECTION indicates all the available versions of a film (French and English), or all the films made by a filmmaker.
For example, if you type Jean-Claude Coulbois in SEARCH, all his available films will appear.
To view a film of your choice directly from a SEARCH, ignore COLLECTIONS and click on the film you wish to view in the VIDEOS section.
While browsing the online viewing platform, I got lost. How do I find my way back?
On the banner at the bottom of the web page, you will find the “Return to Homepage” and “Return to F3M.ca” functions. The first function allows you to return to the home page of the online viewing platform. The second function allows you to return to our main website, F3M.ca.
On the online viewing platform, is it possible to search for films by theme or by director?
It is currently not possible to search by theme or by director on the online viewing platform. However, it is possible to do so on our main website (f3m.ca) through the search tab located at the top right of the menu or on our home page.
Some films are not available on the online viewing platform. Is this normal?
Yes, there are several reasons for this:
The film is only available in certain versions. Indeed, some of our titles are only available in French.
We do not have the distribution rights outside of Canada for some of our works.
The film is simply not yet available on video-on-demand but is scheduled for release online. Stay tuned for information about new films coming to the platform by subscribing to our newsletter on f3m.ca (subscribe to our newsletter tab at the bottom of the page) and by following us on facebook.com/LesFilmsdu3mars.
Video playback is jerky. What can I do to improve the situation?
We advise you to adjust the resolution of the video, depending on the capabilities of your Internet connection. To do this, press the gear symbol , right at the bottom of the video, labeled Quality.
I have more questions. What is the best way to get them to you?
You can send us an email at info@f3m.ca. We will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.