79 min, Documentary, Quebec, Canada, 2013
Directed byDominic Leclerc
Produced byDominic Leclerc and Alexandre Castonguay
Short description

4 km/h poetic road movie.

Regis du cinemas, general

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Press reviews

Leclerc ponctue les propos de l’acteur et de ses interlocuteurs d’images d’une beauté époustouflante qui en mettront plein la vue à ceux qui croient que l’Abitibi n’est qu’un vaste territoire où l’on ne rencontre que des épinettes et des mouches noires. Manon Dumais, Voir Attendez-vous à découvrir un être hors du commun, un gars de l'Abitibi auquel vous vous attacherez instantanément, que vous suivrez pendant 80 minutes et que vous n'oublierez probablement jamais. Le HuffPost Québec

Film details


Script and Director : Dominic Leclerc, Alexandre Castonguay
Director of Photography : Dominic Leclerc

Editor : Dominic Leclerc

Sound Design: Dominic Leclerc, Jean-Pierre Bissonette, Luc Landry

Music : Louis-Philippe Gingras et Dany Placard

Sound :Dominic Leclerc

Sound Mixing : Philippe Racine

Producer : Dominic Leclerc et Alexandre Castonguay



Financial Partners

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec



Dominic Leclerc

Dominic Leclerc was born in 1982 in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. At an early age, he started to take his camera with him, wherever he was going. He oversees most of the production stages of his film, being the director, the director of photography and the editor. Dominic is fervently involved in all projects, whether they are his own or not; notable contributions include his role as director of photography and editor on the film Seeing Ali (Martin Guérin, 2009), and director of the last seven trailers for the Emerging Music Festival (2007-2013). Dominic is expanding his explorations of the video medium through his involvement in theatre productions (Bascule sur la route, 2009; AT@MTL, 2010; Juliette et Victorin, 2013), web projects (Le stage de Kassandra, 2011) and even urban art.Alex marche à l'amour (2013) is Dominic Leclerc’s first feature film..