Miron : a man returned from outside the world

75 min, documentary, Québec, Canada, 2014
Directed bySimon Beaulieu
Produced byEsperamos Films Inc
LanguagesFrench, English
Film subjects Arts & Culture , Portraits
Regis du cinemas, general

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A veritable aesthetic fresco blending portrait, political documentary and experimental cinema, Miron : a man returned from outside the world recounts the people of Quebec’s collective journey through the work of their greatest poet, Gaston Miron. Consisting exclusively of archive material, this cinematographic essay takes on the form of fragmented memories and stands as a contemplation on the survival of threatened cultures around the world.



Written and Directed by : Simon Beaulieu

Cinematography : Simon Beaulieu

Sound Mix :  Patrice Leblanc

Editing :René Roberge

Music : Simon Belair

Special effect : Karl Lemieux, Daïchi Saïto

Produced by : Hugo Latulippe


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Simon Beaulieu

After studying Film at the Université de Montréal (1999-2002), Simon Beaulieu started directing his first documentary about artist Serge Lemoyne, a project on which he worked for three years. Lemoyne (2005), was well-received by critics and was selected in many film festivals, in Quebec and abroad. Working as a film critic for the magazine Séquences from 2002 to 2006, he covered many local film festivals. Simon is passionate about Quebec culture, in its political and artistic dimensions. Therefore, in 2006 he started researching, scripting and directing the movie Godin (2011), a feature documentary about Gérald Godin, the poet and political figure, before looking into the life of Gaston Miron in Miron : a man returned from outside the world (2014).   Filmography   Miron : a man returned from outside the world (2014 / 76 min) Godin (2011 / 75 min) Lemoyne (2005 / 80 min)  
