10 min 50, France, 2019
Directed byGabriel Gonzalez Guirola & Yasmina Touzani
Produced byYasmina Touzani et Gabriel Gonzalez Guirola
Short descriptionAn exile seeks refuge, the spectator confront himself to the different spaces of memorie's refugee : Camps and barbed, the journey in a sea, a ceaseless walk.
Regis du cinemas, general

Film details

Synopsis :

“The Roses of Damascus” is an image adaptation of a poem that evokes a current topic, witnessing the journey of a young Syrian in exile. It is the story of a man who seeks refuge. During his ceaseless walk he testifies of his journey : the country he left, the brutality of men, the lost hope.
He will give us an access to different memories related to his exile : the destruction of his city, migration, refugee camps, the arrival in a European city, etc.


Credits :

Written and directed by Yasmina Touzani et Gabriel Gonzalez Guirola

Cinematography : Marion Sciutto, Javier Calderon Guzman / Infographie : Nouria Issouf

Artistic director : Gabriel Gonzalez Guirola

Editing : Manuel Brassart

Sound Design : Juan Gabriel Di Lucia et Baptiste Juridic

Sound Effect : Juan Gabriel Di Lucia

Music : Collectif « Les Roses de Damas » , Mixage Musique : Vojtech Zavadil

Sound Recording : Studio Produc’son Toulouse

Singer : Yasmina Touzani

Musicians : Pierre Campistron, Lise Batailler, Aude Marissal, Gabriel Gonzalez Guirola, Gabriel Pitras, Wafi Zaidi, Fayçal Naceur

Technical filming team : Mathilde Rebulida, Pauline Lebellenger

Animatiom team  : Marionnettes

Co-production : Association l’UsinoTOPIE – Pierre Gosselin



Gabriel Gonzalez Guirola

Born on 19 January 1987 in Guatemala, Gabriel Gonzalez Guirola arrives in France in 2007. He spends a year in fine arts school in Toulouse where he discovers stop motion films. Then, he decides to follow his studies as set designer. It is during his studies that he discovers the world of puppets and that he fall in love with this universe. In 2016, he goes to the ENSAV Toulouse to study cinema. Since 2017, he works in many projects around puppetry and animated forms.



La Tatuana, 2017. (Stop motion) 12min11s

Dormita, 2018. (Stop motion) 7min45

The Roses of Damascus, 2019. (Stop motion) 10min50s

Yasmina Touzani

I was born on September 1, 1989 in Toulouse, from a Berber immigrant mother who passed on to me the love of letters. After several odd jobs, I decide to resume studies in Modern Letters, which gives rise to the desire to write. The artistic meetings lead me to the declamation in music. The co-production of the The Roses of Damascus with Gabriel allowed me to discover the world of animation and to broaden my artistic horizons.



The Roses of Damascus, 2019. (Stop motion) 10min50s