Lawrence Côté-Collins is a filmmaker who shoots videos under all and any conditions. After making nearly 40 shorts, including several festival award-winners, at the age of 33 she made her first docufiction feature, Écartée (Split) (2016), produced by Coop Vidéo. Lawrence is an expert at spontaneous creation, achieving balance between writing, improvisation and free expression.
Écartée (Split) (2016 / 80 min)
Un exemple de succès (2012 / 11 min)
Score (2011 / 9 min)
Geisha Québec (2011 / 10 min)
Fuck That (2010 / 6 min)
Crudités (2009 / 4 min)
Pas de pain pas de gain (2009 / 5 min)
Summerdome (2009 / 8 min)
Chimère (2007 / 3 min 30)
Prochaine station : Val-D’or! –(2006 / 6 min 40)
Impressions (2006 / 4 min)
Vox Pub (2006 / 8 min)