Godbout, Claude

Claude Godbout began his career in film in 1964 as an actor in the feature film Le chat dans le sac by Gilles Groulx. After spending time honing his skills in Paris, he gradually gave up acting and co-directed, with Georges Dufaux, L’homme Multiplié (1969). In 1970, he became one of the founding members of Productions Prisma. For thirty years, Claude Godbout and the Prisma crew produced scores of feature films, documentaries and hundreds of television shows for Canadian and foreign markets. His works include, among others, Les Ordres (1974) by Michel Brault and Les Bons débarras (1979) by Francis Mankiewicz. He also produced Comme les six doigts de la main (1978) by André Melançon; Les servantes du bon Dieu (1978) by Diane Létourneau; Platinum (1997) by Bruce McDonald; the television series Urgence by Réjean Tremblay and Fabienne Larouche; Earthwatch by Donald Brittain. In addition, Mr. Godbout also directed the documentary Montréal of the series Les grandes villes du monde (Pathé Cinéma), as well as Profession Écrivain. He has since collaborated on many projects and produced the documentary Le journal d’un fou (2001) by Mark Blandford. He served as associate producer on the René Lévesque mini-series directed by Marc Renaud. In 2004, he worked as a scriptwriting and production adviser for La Chambre 13, a drama series that brought together works from many young directors. Since 2006, he has been dedicating his time to La génération 101 (2008). He is currently serving as producer and scriptwriting adviser for a documentary series entitled Cinéma Québécois.