Richard Lavoie was first introduced to film through the career and knowledge of his father, Herménégilde Lavoie, a pionneer of Quebec cinema. As a teenager, he was already passionate about film techniques like the camera, the editing, and sound mixing . When he was as young as 13 year old, his father had the habit of sending him to New York City so he could work on his films. Richard directed a documentary on his father called Herménégilde, vision d'un pionnier du cinéma québécois 1908-1973 (1976).
Non Exhaustive Filmography
Quais-Blues (2011 / 92 min)
Des Madelinots (2005 / 104 min)
Le Soleil de Nuligak (2002 / 27 min)
Charles Daudelin, des mains et des mots (1998 / 60 min)
Herménégilde, vision d'un pionnier du cinéma québécois, 1908-1973 (1976 / 53 min)
Noël à l'île aux grues (1964 / 26 min)
Rencontres dans l'invisible (1958 / 19 min)