After winning the SODEC-Telefilm Canada award for the series La Course destination monde, Pascal Sanchez made the short film Un Arbre avec un chapeau in 2000 which screened at Montréal’s Festival du Nouveau Cinéma and the TIFF. His next film was L’Île (2002), a documentary about farmer Henri Letendre, followed by La Reine malade (2011), a feature film that took both the RIDM Éco-caméra award in 2010 and the Gémeaux for best documentary in 2011. For his latest undertaking, Les Vaillants (The Undaunted), Sanchez also dons the hats of producer, writer and DOP.
Les Vaillants (2015/ 79 min)
La Reine malade (2010 / 90 min)
Le Reel du fromager (2009 / 52 min)
Manifestes en Série (2008 / 26 min x 8)
Dessine-moi (2003 / 52 min)
L'île (2003 / 26 min)
Un Arbre avec un chapeau (2000 / 17 min)