Sophie Bissonnette has directed documentary films since 1979. She codirected UNE HISTOIRE DE FEMMES, her first independent documentary feature in 1980, which won a Best Quebecois Feature Award.
Each of her subsequent work has since treated social subjects such as women rights, working class history and social justice. Her film QUEL NUMÉRO WHAT NUMBER? (1985) is about the digital revolution and the work of women.DES LUMIÈRES DANS LA GRANDE NOIRCEUR / A VISION IN THE DARKNESS(1990) is about the exceptional contribution and legacy of Lea Roback. PARTITION POUR VOIX DE FEMMES (2001) was shot in 20 countries for the world March of Women. SEXY INC.(2007) and ÊTRE OU PARAÎTRE? (2010) are about the dangers of sexist and sexualised imagery in the media. More recently, she directed web documentaries (LES DAMES DU DOC, LA LIGNE DU TEMPS DE L’HISTOIRE DES FEMMES) and conducted digital workshops about life stories (RÉCITS MIGRATOIRES).
Sophie Bissonnette is also very active in the promotion of documentary, independant and women cinema. She, most notably, cofounded the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) and Réalisatrices Équitables.