43 min, Fiction, Quebec, Canada, 2011
Directed byMartin Rodolphe Villeneuve
Produced byMartin Rodolphe Villeneuve
Short description

A frail writer is being haunted by the past of a light-house.

Film subjects Psychology , Rural Life
Regis du cinemas, general

Film details


A novelist, André Bertov, seeks inspiration from the fabled storm of Christmas 1966, when 45-feet high waves shook the lighthouse known as The Pillar and traumatized its three wardens. André seeks to write “in context” a short story featuring the survivors of the storm. Captain Dupuis brings André, by boat, to the lighthouse, where he isolates himself for a month, with the papers of his research. As the days go by, the lapping of the waters and the sounds of the Pillar, the evocation of the 1966 drama, monotony, isolation, fog, and the cries of the seagulls make him lose his medication and bearings.


Screenplay and direction : Martin Rodolphe Villeneuve
Editing : Boran Richard
Image : Claude Bérubé
Sound conception : Martin Allard, Luc Bouchard
Sound recording : Carol Bouchard


Financial partners

Conseil des Arts et des lettres du Québec

Conseil des Arts du Canada

ONF – Aide au Cinéma Indépendant Canada


Martin Rodolphe Villeneuve

Born in Rivière-du-Moulin, Saguenay, Martin Rodolphe made painting studies in several workshops in Chicoutimi. He gradually abandoned painting and enrolled in 1996 at the interdisciplinary program in art at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC) - concentration cinema and video. During his career, he has attended several training courses at the National Film Board (NFB) and also participated in writing workshops as part of Telefilm Canada program "Écrire au long" at the National Institute of Image and sound (INIS). As a screenwriter and documentary filmmaker, he made several genres, including studies and essays, before finding his true niche: the dreamlike drama. In 2009, he began a perilous filming on Prince Shoal Lighthouse at the confluence of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the entrance of the Saguenay Fjord. Selected by several festivals, this film entitled Haut-fond Prince (2011)  deserved him the Creation Award at the Regard International Short Film Festival in Saguenay in 2012. In 2016, Martin Rodolphe released a new film called Notre-Dame-des-Monts, a short film of 23 minutes with the assistance of the Arts Council of Canada and the Canada Research Chair, for sound dramaturgy in theater of the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi and Canada Council for the Arts.   Filmography   Qu'en ce jour je meure (2017 / 17 min) Éléonore (2017 / 30 min) Notre-Dame-des-Monts (2015 / 24 min) Haut-fond Prince (2011 / 45 min) L'Asepsie (2008 / 25 min) Révérence (2007 / 8 min) Dans une heure (2005 / 8 min) Le Vélocipède à patins (2003 / 4 min) Ce qu'il reste ( 2001 / 15 min)