80 min, arthouse cinema, fiction, Canada, 2019
Directed byEmmanuel Tardif
Produced byKanif Productions
LanguagesFrench, English
Short descriptionLiliane, an orphan girl, roams the city with her camera. At her side a young woman, Maya.
Film subjects Coming of Age , Youth
Regis du cinemas, general

Film details


A young girl, Liliane, leaves her empty house. She meets Maya, who’s just a bit older. They bond, flee, fight, exchange passionate declarations… The dialogue is destabilizing and enigmatic, the shots are ingenious, and the black and white imagery nothing less than majestic. A film about wandering through simple places, seen in a thoroughly improbable way, with music seeping from the sets and doors opening between trees like so many narrative threads. A quest for infinite love. A waking dream, part poetic experiment and part art film, for the adventurous among us.



Written and directed by Emmanuel Tardif

Cinematography : Benoit Jones-Vallée

Artistic director : Audrey Lorrain

Editing : Emmanuel Tardif

Sound Design : François Lacasse

Music : Julien Racine

Sound Recording : Yecine Meliani

Visuel concept : Alain Omer Duranceau

Actors : Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau, Léa Roy, Pier-Luc Funk

Produced by Kanif Productions – Sandra-Dalhie Goyer

Director's statement

Speak Love a été conçu avec l’intention d’un premier geste de cinéma. Il traite d’un mouvement douloureux vers l’avenir, une perte de repères dans l’inévitable passage à l’âge adulte. Sa construction narrative aux relents rêveurs expose des personnages évanescents, des lieux sans trace, un monochrome impur, le tout capté par une caméra à la fois impatiente et contemplative. Speak Love est une œuvre qui passe avec zèle, et dont la poésie n’est pas toujours assimilable, mais c’est ainsi qu’il s’est voulu : un jaillissement d’enfances spontané, travaillé par l’influence des Bresson, Carné, Ophuls et autres. Le film est traversé d’hommages au cinéma français des années 40 et 50. Ainsi, la nécessité de rendre cette œuvre difficilement descriptible nous a habités durant plus de 3 ans, et nous sommes fiers d’offrir aujourd’hui une expérience exigeante, à la mesure de ceux qui aiment s’aventurer sans boussole.


Emmanuel Tardif

Emmanuel Tardif approaches cinema as an abstract and revealing journey. Having extended his understanding of film production and direction at Concordia University, he pursued his work as a writer, director and editor on his first feature film, Speak Love, which took several years to write, prepare and finance. Since then, Emmanuel has co-founded the production company Les Rapailleurs, with which he wrote, directed and produced his second film, Heirdoms, distributed by Les Films du 3 Mars in 2021, as well as his third feature film, In Broad Daylight that will be release in 2023. Emmanuel also immersed himself in his passion for documentaries with The Walker, a portrait of an autistic man who writes his first short film and perform the main role.




In Broad Daylight (110 min, 2022)

Heirdoms (70 min, 2021)

The Walker (53 min, 2021)

Speak Love (80 min, 2019)